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My darn cat


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
He walked across the keyboard and now Poser looks like this when it opens. The lighting is off. How can I turn it back?


  • poser.png
    164.6 KB · Views: 157


Crazy Cat Lady
Contributing Artist
Hi Janet, I will give it a try (I share the pain of cats walking all over my keyboard daily):
First of all, if it's a light issue you can easily remove all the lights in a scene: Script-Utilities-DeleteLights.
The scene will go totally dark and you can then pick a new light.

If it's something else: mmm, try this: check the Display - Preview Drawing = if it is SreeD Software it could give an effect like the one you have. If this is the case you simply click OpenGL Hardware.

If none of this help, I am sorry.

Oh: kiss your cat for me <3


Crazy Cat Lady
Contributing Artist
Better than my solution of having the cat walk across the keyboard again and hope for the best.
Oh, I needed this laugh, thank you Robert! Also, I will use your brilliant solution soon, I bet my cats will walk around again, Janet understands me. :giggle: